A Crash Course in Perl5

Duration 3 days (hands-off) or 5 days (hands-on)
  • Introduction to Perl5 (1-1/2 days)
  • Object-Oriented Programming in Perl (1/2 day)
  • Database Access in Perl (1/2 day)
  • CGI Web Development in Perl5 (1/2 day)
All the slides are now online:

Perl5 Resource Kit Here's your chance to learn Perl5 from one of the contributors to CPAN: the official global repository of reusable Perl code. Our president has been coding in Perl5 since its initial release in 1994. He created many Perl5 modules for CPAN, including the highly-rated MIME-Lite email sender. Much of his work was published in the O'Reilly Perl Resource Kit.