
  • Use of Open Source solutions. The better you understand a technology, the more effectively you'll use it. Open Source software gives engineers the option of looking under the hood when things go wrong, or when their questions can't be answered by a product's tech support staff. Plus, it saves our clients money.
  • Adherence to common standards. All software interfaces with the outside world in some way, and that world is constantly changing. The use of standard data formats and communication protocols is the best way to ensure system stability over time. We actively research and employ those standards which show the greatest evidence of widespread support, so a system we build today will continue to work tomorrow.
  • Clean, compact presentation of information. When producing anything from a single graphic to an entire user interface, we try to follow the design principles of Edward Tufte. Minimal visual clutter. High data-to-ink ratio.
  • Well-organized code. Software engineers must strike a balance between solving problems quickly and solving them robustly. We strive to achieve that balance by producing well-organized implementations, which are easier to understand, debug, and extend. We invite all our clients to look at the inner workings of our products.
  • Thorough documentation. Just browse through the code we've written and follow the links to the on-line manual pages. The documentation we wrote for some of our Perl modules was also published in the O'Reilly Perl Resource Kit.
  • Open Source (OSI) Logo Giving back to the community. Zeegee is proud to be an active supporter of the Open Source Initiative. Our President has contributed code to the official Perl reuse repository (CPAN) since 1994.